認識龍獅 About Us
我們的使命 Mission
We aim to provide young generation with a wide range of comprehensive and challenging trainings in order to encourage participants to strive for excellence and future success.
我們的願景 Vision
Our goals are to provide an interactive platform to facilitate sport and cultural exchange, promote modern training methods to help our players achieve higher performance goal and organize regular CBA training programs and activities to nurture more talents to our society.
我們的基地 Base in Foshan
Hong Kong Imperial Lion Basketball Academy was founded in 2011 by liaising with the Foshan Longlions Basketball Club (CBA).
佛山龍獅籃球俱樂部官方網站 / Official Website of Foshan Longlions Basketball Club:www.longlions.com
If you are interested in our programmes, please contact us.
電郵 / Email: info@imperiallion.com